What do I do?

I guarantee a transformative, life changing experience as we uncover blind spots, clear away limiting beliefs and get you out of your own way and into re-creating a life you love!


From Breakdown To Breakthrough, I'll Guide You!



Rewind, Replay, Erase, Re-create

We will explore your past and find the block that’s been keeping you stuck.

We will get clear around how that block; that subconscious story you've been telling yourself, has been running your life.

We will say goodbye to that story you've been telling yourself, once and for all.

We will uncover your limiting beliefs, replace them with unlimiting beliefs and re-create a life that you love.

Feeling Stuck?

Do you ever question why you aren't further in life than you thought you'd be?

Do you wonder why you just can't stay the course around your vision?

Do you feel like you just can't seem to find your partner in crime, whether it be a romantic relationship or business partnership?

Do you find it difficult to to be happy with who you already are and what you already have?

Package 1 - Four Sessions (60 minutes)

The Four Step Process

If you are feeling stuck, lost, hopeless, not driven and unclear in your life and you don't know why, this is the perfect package to start with. I will take you through my 4 step process. As we work through this process together, we will get to the root of your problem and deal with it, once and for all. From there, we'll create new healthy habits for you to practice. Those new healthy habits will guide you towards living a life you absolutely love!





Package 2 - Individual Session (60 minutes)

Mindset Coaching

After completing Package 1, I suggest moving to Mindset Coaching with me. We will continue working on building a toolbox of new healthy habits and start to set goals that excite you in your life. We will work on shifting your mindset from lack to abundance. We will tackle any issues that come up along the way. I will help you gain awareness around what brings you joy and give you the tools needed to stop you from self-sabotge. I will teach you how to live a life you love every day, no matter what obstacle enters your path. You can choose to do a weekly, bi-monthly or monthly session.

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