Thank you for your interest in wanting to work with me. To make sure we are a good fit, I want to know that you are committed to making a change in your life and/or home. I want to know that you are ready and willing to invest your time, energy and money into creating a new way of being and living. I already know you're worth the investment, but you need to know it yourself for any change to happen. If you are ready to do both, please take a moment to fill out the survey below. Your response will help me best serve you in our 30 minute complimentary session. I will get back to you shortly with a link to set up your session.

NOTE: In-person services are for those residing in The Nashville metropolitan area. Mileage fees apply. If you need support on a bigger project and it's outside the area or in another state, there will be additional travel and lodging fees for your project. 

Book a Session Form

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